Alios Johnson


Alios Johnson

Alios Johnson

Advice & How To, General Nonfiction

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  • Member Since

    Mar 2019

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    18 February

  • Profession

    Author, Physical Therapist, Health Coach, Personal Trainer


Alios has in his lifetime always been a huge fan of optimizing the human body to function at its best and most healthy state. In his daily life he helps a lot of people with physical therapy treatment in his own clinic based in the heart of New York. Inside his clinic he also helps people with improving mental health. That includes stress management, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, sleep problems and much more. In his spare time he enjoys writing about all aspects of health and fitness, so that he can reach people all over the world and leave an impression that may even change some lives out there. He does personal training also, delivering value to a handful of clients to achieve their fitness goals.
Besides his passion for helping others, Alios also loves to keep himself as healthy as possible, which is why he has dedicated his life to physical exercise, yoga, meditation, posture correction and many other healthy activities.

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